I have been auditioning 2 of Gerald Sheppard's Ave Maria
guitars now for almost a month. I had intended to write up a
more indepth review of each, but find myself scurrying around
preparing for a 1 month trip to Australia and NZ. No, I will
not go without my family this time, or a guitar! I intend to
bring my Baranik Parlor, and will report on how that goes with
the airlines--haven't had a problem with that one yet.
Anyway, I thought I should at least post some pics of these
beautiful and masterfully built guitars. Little did I know
before the Fret project, Gerald makes real fine guitars. I fell
in love with both of these. As a matter of fact, we have
negotiated a deal, and I am so pleased to say that not only is
he down 2 guitars but I am the thrilled new owner of them both.
You'll hear them (well, primarily the koa/sitka) on the Fret CD
when it comes out. And when I return and play them somemore I
hope to do more extensive reviews. Meanwhile, enjoy the pics,
and be sure and try out a Sheppard whenever you get a chance.
First the Master Grade, quarter sawn Old Growth Brazilian with
Sitka Bearclaw like none I have ever seen. The neck width is 1
13/16th (love it!) at the nut. The guitar is adorned
beautifully with many fine, subtle artistic works, yet not
lavish and gawdy in any way--it's just perfect to me. And the
tone...well, when I get a chance I will post an mp3. It's
clear, balanced, crystalline highs and beautiful, rich
lows--it's tone is astounding to me as is its playability. I
had never intended on buying another Brazilian because of the
much higher cost, but..., well...this one grabbed me from the
moment I opened the case and plucked a string. Fingerpicking,
finger-strumming, or blasting away with a pick, the guitar
performs far beyond what I had expected.
I'll post the Koa guitars pics in a separate post:
Thanks for lookin',
Ken T.
Graceworks Music